#AMM15_T1_AL1 - Ahh, brave Parmenion... Is it really you, or does the wine cloud my mind?
#AMM15_T1_PT2 - Cast aside all dreary thoughts, Alexander. Your army was and still is loyal to you. But all the treasure in the world won't make them go any further. Too many battles. Too many deaths. Riches, speeches... they have had it all, and they have had enough. The warriors are tired, Alexander, they want to go home. And you are the most tired of all, you just won't admit it.
#AMM15_T1_AL3 - I swore I would reach the ends of the earth. I have come so far... And done so much...
#AMM15_T1_PT4 - You have conquered enough. It is time to stop this, my lord. It is time to go home.
#AMM15_T1_AL5 - Go home... But from there, the ends of the earth lie so far away...
#AMM15_T1_PT6 - You can sit in your tent for all eternity, but you won't get any closer. The soldiers will not go any further. Give orders to return home, you have no other choice.
#AMM15_T1_AL7 - May Hades take you! But you are right!.. Let it be done. Tell Ptolemy to sound the return.
#AMM15_T1_PT8 - Ptolemy is on the other bank. While you were drowning your sorrows in wine, bandits took off with our rafts. We managed to salvage part of our supplies, but the bridge is down.
#AMM15_T1_AL9 - Then rebuild it! And send troops to take care of those bandits! Can you decide nothing on your own?
#AMM15_T1_PT10 - Be assured, Alexander, that the order will be given immediately!
#AMM15_T1_AL11 - I like India... A rich country with fertile lands...
#AMM15_T1_KL12 - But this sea is rotting our ships. They're in need of repair...
#AMM15_T1_AL13 - We will not halt - our supplies are few. We will land, disembark wagons, and move to Persepolis. You Ptolemy, make ship repairs quickly and follow the seaway along the shore. I heard talks that pirates have become impudent in this area...
#AMM15_T1_KL15 - As you say, my lord. But the wagons will need a guard. India is indeed a rich land, and unfortunately the bandits know this too...
#AMM15_T1_AL16 - I will take warriors. You won't need many on the ships.
#AMM15_T1_AL17 - We have reached the place...
#AMM15_T1_KL18 - Are you all right, my lord? We saw to the pirates. As you see, we have taken their heads.
#AMM15_T1_AL19 - What use are they? Bury them somewhere. And tell the warriors they have two days of rest. Then we set out for Babylon!..
#AMM15_TASK00 - Build fleet.
#AMM15_TASK01 - Build shipyard and 5 rafts to move down the river. Also build several battleships to protect carts from bandits.
#AMM15_TASK02 - Start crossing river.
#AMM15_TASK03 - Embark all troops, peasants and heroes and move down the river to the landing point.
#AMM15_TASK07 - Capture landing point.
#AMM15_TASK04 - Destroy pirates and camp for safe landing.
#AMM15_TASK05 - Guard carts.
#AMM15_TASK06 - Supply carts are moving to the city by land and by sea: use all soldiers and ships to guard them.
#AMM15_PANEL At the last city.
#AMM15_LOOSE00 - You lost all carts.
#AMM15_LOOSE01 - You lost one of the rafts with carts.
#AMM15_LOOSE02 - Parmenion perished in a battle.
#AMM15_LOOSE03 - Ptolemy perished in a battle.
#AMM15_LOOSE04 - Alexander was assassinated.
#AMM15_VICTORY - All carts have reached the city safe and sound.
#AMM15_Lose_Condition - You will be defeated if you lose Alexander, Parmenion or Ptolemy. You also have to save most of the carts.
#AMM15_TALK01_Title - The conversation with Parmenion -